Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Essay #2: Gruen, chapters 3-4

1. Identify some topic from either chapter 3 or 4 on which to compose either

(a) a second 2-3 pp. CRITO-based argumentative essay (following all of the supplied guidelines, just as before) or

(b) a nonstandard essay or presentation in some other mode (video, short story, dialogue, extended poem, etc.).

If you choose option (b), please also supply a brief CRITO outline of your position (choosing (a) or (b), that is, requires adopting some potentially debatable position on chapter 3 or 4 material that requires some kind of defense).

Due: Monday, November 7, in class.

Assignment #7: Readings (evolving!)

For Friday: 1. Animal rights, indigenous hunting, and imperialism: