Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Silliman-Braden-Johnson debate on the "Is-Ought Gap"

Here's a link to the May, 2016 T-12 debate on the "is-ought" (natural-normative; description-prescription) problem.  For anyone who wants to dig a bit deeper, I also published an essay many, many years ago defending the dual thesis that the is-ought gap is a permanent fixture of rational argumentation and that there exists an equally unbridgeable "ought-is" gap.  That paper is available on request.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Essay #1: Gruen, chapters 1-2

Compose a 2-3 pp. CRITO-based, argumentative essay following closely the details of a successful essay as indicated in handout QA.  (For more detail on CRITO and paper mechanics, review as necessary handouts CR1-CR3 and STEP-I.)

As always, feel free to send me ( your outlines/thoughts at any stage in the production of your essay.

Final essay due: Friday, October 7, in class.

Friday, September 16, 2022


Bring (at least) one substantive question to class on Monday concerning content of Chapter 1, Gruen.  (Here's another account of Costa's level of questioning that will help you identify "level 2" or "level 3" questions.)

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Assignment #1: Syllabus; Why Animals Matter; etc.

Things to do:

1. Read over the syllabus and related handouts (especially, at this early stage, handout CL); bring questions to our next class.

2. Begin reading from our text: Gruen, Chapters 1-2.

Supplemental readings: 

2. Bekoff.  (Brief Psychology Today article on animal emotions and capacities.)

Assignment #7: Readings (evolving!)

For Friday: 1. Animal rights, indigenous hunting, and imperialism: